Hiring a chief of staff

Checking References for Applicants

Checking References for Applicants

Making sure that the candidates you hire are the right fit for the job is essential to the success of any organization....

Conducting Initial Phone Screenings with Applicants

Conducting Initial Phone Screenings with Applicants

Hiring a chief of staff is a critical decision for any organization. It is important to have a rigorous interview process ...

Screening Applicants for the Position

Screening Applicants for the Position

Finding the right person for a job can be a daunting task, especially when the position is highly important and...

Writing a Job Description for a Chief of Staff

Writing a Job Description for a Chief of Staff

Are you looking to hire a Chief of Staff for your business? Writing a job description is essential to ensure you are...

Hiring a Chief of Staff: Posting Job Openings Online

Hiring a Chief of Staff: Posting Job Openings Online

Are you looking for the perfect person to fill the role of Chief of Staff for your organization? If so, one of the best...

Holding In-Person Interviews with Qualified Candidates

Holding In-Person Interviews with Qualified Candidates

Finding the right candidate for any job can be a difficult process. It is important to take the time to thoroughly...